Ritualist Program

The Challenge

As a Master Mason, you are challenged to select and perform lectures from ritual, both optional and ‘Hiramic Legend’ parts.   This provides an opportunity for you to play an active and useful role in your Lodge.

The Reward

Your accomplishments are rewarded with Pins acknowledging the Ritualist, Senior Ritualist, and Master Ritualist levels of achievement.  Your Lodge will be rewarded with more Master Masons participating in Degree work, Lodge visitation, and men better prepared to represent their Lodge in their communities.  

A further reward is the recognition of those who have been serving their Lodges as Ritualists until now.  Those heroes who through their sense of Duty and Love of the Craft have served as inspiration to us all.

Lodge Attendance and Visitation

Participation in the Ritualist program obviously promotes Lodge attendance because that is where a Freemason can ‘do the work’.  And visitation to other Lodges increases opportunities to amass points as well as enjoy fellowship within the fraternity.

Lodge Leadership

Program participation also encourages you to enter the officer-line.  Many of the parts are regularly assigned to officers, thus allowing a ‘double-dipping’ of sorts.

Membership Growth & Public Awareness

Participation in Degree work is especially pleasant when one has a personal tie to the Candidate, and in this context the program specifically encourages MEMBERSHIP growth.  

Masonry will also enjoy having many, positive andknowledgeable ambassadors in the community.   You will be better prepared to spread the word about  Masonry among friends and acquaintances in your other walks of life and thus provide the opportunity to awaken that next candidate.

Quality Control 

Quality control of the work  will continue under the procedure currently in use.  It is to be trusted that you will strive to provide the Candidate with the most meaningful presentation as possible.

Clearing House

The Clearing-house offers  E-mail,  Fax or phone-in service.

Communications particulars will be provided within the Passport.  A $10.00 Passport fee will provide the member with a Passport on which to record his progress and also covers the cost of pins, printing and administration.

Points Structure

Points are awarded on the honor system.  There are no plans to have a monitorial structure to verify your performance.  In order to take points for a part, you must have performed it one (1) time, from memory, in an open lodge.  For those parts of the Ritual that are openly published and you have read it during degree work, that does not qualify for taking the points.  Points are only allowed for work performed from memory.